🎬 Saturday watching: Who was Vincent van Gogh?
Сегодня смотрим передачу про Винсента Ван Гога.
✅ Задание: посмотри видео и постарайся ответить на вопросы.
1. Was Vincent famous in his lifetime?
2. Why was his painting "The Potato Eaters" typical for his work?
3. How did he use balls of wool in his work?
4. What were two reasons why he decided to leave Paris?
5. Vincent had a lot of arguments with people before the terrible event when he cut off his own ear. What were these arguments about?
6. What can we learn from Vincent's life?
✏ Useful vocabulary to watch:
1. to admire the paintings - полюбоваться работами
2. take a journey back - совершить путешествие в прошлое
3. the steam train - паровоз
4. you're good at drawing - у тебя хорошо получается писать картины
5. regardless - несмотря ни на что
6. the skin of a mackerel - кожа скумбрии
7. that made him miserable - это заставляло чувствовать его ужасно
8. newborn nephew - новорожденный племянник
9. determined -целеустремленный
10. go-getter - хваткий и удачливый человек
#skillwatching #vangogh